Tags: Attitude, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, IPO 2 Greatness, Legacy, Perspective, Smarter Business
Have you ever had the opportunity to watch yourself, when you didn’t know you were looking? That’s sounds kind of creepy I know…let me try to explain what I mean.
Last weekend, my wife Karen and I were at a graduation open house, where someone was walking around with a video camera catching some live footage of this special day. The interesting thing is, that I was completely unaware of this video camera until I was shown a copy of it later.
As I watched myself on video, I found it strange to know that at the time I had no idea that I was being watched. It was a rare opportunity to see myself as the world sees me.
The first thing I noticed was that I am shorter and wider than I thought…my hair is grayer than I thought as well. But what really got my attention was how my approach and response to various people was so vastly different.
Some people I would approach rather aggressively with a big hug, a slap on the back, and lots of laughter, while others I would address slowly with a gentle embrace, and a tender word, or a handshake with a smile.
Why The Difference?
I felt like a private investigator as I watched myself interact with family, friends, and acquaintances. I couldn’t help but notice that I seemed to know how to approach each person in a way that would be most acceptable to them.
Could There Be A Business Lesson Here?
I think so. The reason I was able to give the proper greeting and response to so many people at this open house, was because I understood how most of them want to interact…you might say “I know how they’re wired”, and their response can be quite predictable.
In business our customers and clients are all wired differently as well, and if we take the time to understand them better the results can be staggering. Just think how much better you can serve your customer if you have a clearer sense of their unique perspective and what they would see as the perfect outcome.
We’ve all heard it said that “People do Business with people they Know, Like, and Trust” and there is no better way to earn that than to show them that you care, by getting to know them better. It’s all part of being more Intentional about our Legacy.
Love this Randell! What a great perspective. We always hear that we have to be ourselves no matter what; and yes authenticity is the word used quite a bit today. However, there is an element of respect and showing understanding towards people based on you knowing how they perceive the world first.
One doesn’t have to change who they are, but you can recognize and show appreciating for others by simply taking the time to understand, and respond with that understanding. Powerful!
BTW, I couldn’t imagine how strange that would be to see me through a video camera someone else recorded, that I had no idea was going on. But would be an excellent learning experience!
Rob Clinton recently posted..Time 2 Own Your Rhythm
Thanks Rob, Yeah it’s amazing what we can learn about ourselves, and others if we’re just willing to observe.
Great blog Randell and wonderful observation on your part. People love to be greeted in a way that connects with them personally. But that only comes with intentionally taking the time to discover who they are and how you can best relate to them. Whether in business or our personal lives, this is a great opportunity to build a relationship.
Cindy, you are right on…when we take the time to really understand people, we can have a relationship that is mutually serving.
Thanks for your response
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