Tags: 48 Days, Best Life, Change, Legacy, Personal Development
Who is writing Your Story?
If you do not like the Story you’re living…It’s time to sit down with the Author and have a “Heart to Heart” Chat. Who’s the Author of Your Story…YOU! That should be Great news for all of us to hear, because if we’re the Authors of our own story, Then we can change it to read any way we want it to.
One of my favorite Peanut’s Cartoon Clips is when Charlie Brown is complaining to Linus about how his lunch is the same everyday, and he hates it. Then Linus asks him…“Who makes your lunch?’ Charlie Brown answers…“I Do” . It seems so ridiculously obvious to us that Charlie Brown is in complete control of what he puts in his lunch, he could enjoy something different everyday if he really wanted to change.
But, What about each one of us? Aren’t we the ones in control of our own Story? We’ve all heard the definition of Insanity, which is: “Continuing to do the same thing over and over, and expecting different results” I don’t know about you, but I want different results… I Want To Change My Story!
How Do We Change Our Story?
The first step is to begin with the end in mind. In Steven Covey’s Ground Breaking best selling book, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Habit #2 is: Begin With The End In Mind. Essentially, Dr. Covey says that we will never create the reality of the life we want to live, until we first create it in our mind.
We must be able to visualize the life we want to live. Think about where you want to live, what will your income level be, how will you impact your community, how will your influence impact your children, what will you do vocationally, what kind of marriage do you want, and what will your legacy be? Changing your Story will probably not begin with Chapter 1. When you Change Your Story, it doesn’t mean that you erase everything from your past and start over, it’s more of a pivoting point in your life when you decide it’s time to live the life you were born to live.
Every Good Story…
Every good Story reaches a point when everything changes. Once we can see the life we want to live, we need to understand what needs to happen for our vision to become a reality. We need to ask ourselves some more questions: What kind of husband do I need to be in order to have the kind of marriage I want? What activities can I do with my kids to make sure I am having a positive impact on their lives? How will I get into the career field that fits my personality, skills, and my passion? and what needs to change in my finances to be free to live the life I truly desire?
Asking these questions will put us on a path towards Changing Our Story.
The Action Scene!
Stories never change without Action! I have spent more than enough time envisioning the life I want to live, I have even devoted countless hours asking and answering the questions we just talked about, but I often find myself paralyzed when it’s time to take Action. Dreaming, Thinking, and Planning are all very necessary components to Changing Your Story, but they don’t mean much until you do something.
The approach that has finally been working for me is: Small Action Steps Are Better Than No Action Steps. In other words, start small. Pick one small thing that you can do in each of the major roles in your life…and Take Action!!! If you start today with a few simple action items you will begin to pickup momentum and feel more inspired to Change Your Story.
Today is the Best day to start to Change Your Story, and begin being more Intentional about Your Legacy.
Powerful brother! Many of us live to just patch up today’s leaks every single day. It’s the story of sameness or complacency. Thanks for the reminder that we can rewrite our story…
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