Hello, my name is “Randell Mark” Olson. I have a Passion for Entrepreneurship. Since I was just a kid, I have always been drawn to the entrepreneur life.
I grew up in a neighborhood that had 75 to 100 homes, and every house had at least 2 or 3 kids, which made for a great place for me to launch my various entrepreneurial enterprises. Every single idea that I came up with to have fun, somehow turned into a business. Some of those little businesses lasted a day, some a couple of weeks, I even had a Lemonade Stand that was profitable for several summer seasons.
I won’t bore you with every business I had, but for my own sake I have to relive a few of them
So here’s a short list of business ideas that I started in that small neighborhood.
We charged for a Tunnel Thrill Ride (this one only lasted a day, it was fun, but too many tears from our riders)
We made a Movie, and charged admission, and sold popcorn (this one actually turned out pretty good)
Bicycle Repair Shop (this one was going well until we ruined a little girl’s bike…I’ll have to tell you about that sometime)
We Built a small Golf Course (no one ever played it except us, but we had fun anyway)
The Lemonade Stand (I know you did this as well, but mine went particularly well because we had road construction workers for several summers working on the main street…they were thirsty, and if they wanted ice we charged a little more)
I tried a Neighborhood Newspaper, A Small Engine Repair Shop, An Automotive Detailing Shop (I loaned out my only buffer to a friend, and never got it back..that put me out of business pretty quick)
My parents owned a Card Shop/Variety Store I would purchase products from the vendors with my own money, and sell them in my parent’s store…I was making money with my own products, while getting paid to work there (they knew what I was doing, and supported pretty well)
I’m telling you about this, not because I’m an entrepreneurial whiz, (remember most of these ideas didn’t pan out to well)but because I want to illustrate that I have a Passion for it, it’s in my blood, and I want to help other people with similar passions to “go for it” and succeed.
My heart beats strongest for Frustrated, Worn-Out, Confused, and Exhausted Entrepreneurs who feel like they need the wheel to stop spinning long enough for them to take at least one breath, and think for a moment. If that describes you at all…then stick around here, because I have lived that life, and I know it’s no fun, in fact it is down right crippling.
I use to look forward to Fridays, and hated Mondays. I would lay awake at night with fear, worry, and anxiety about what I should do next. I made so many bad decisions that I had no confidence left within. I finally started on a path that lead me to realize that all of those feelings were just symptoms of a much deeper issue.
I am so anxious to share with you the process that has been pulling me up out of the pit, and giving me a life filled with purpose, joy, and clarity, that doesn’t even resemble my old life.
The best part of all of this, is that the most important things in life are more precious to me than ever before. I am madly in love with my wife Karen, who has been my sweetheart since 7th grade. We have 4 incredible children, 2 of which are married and pursuing the life God intends for them. We enjoy our two grandchildren, with great anticipation of more grandchildren soon (we hope)!
One last thing about me…I love people, and I can’t wait to get to know you!!!
Thanks for reading,
“Randell Mark” Olson