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I first heard that phrase from a cassette tape in 1982 from leadership expert and keynote speaker Bob Goshen. Although I have not consistently lived by that principle it continues to roll through my mind still 30 years later.
Who really wants to be moderate anyway? Nobody is” turned on” by somebody or something that is just moderate. Living only a few miles from Lake Michigan, my wife and I often enjoy sitting on the pier watching the boats come in and out of the channel heading out to the big lake.While the boats are in the channel they are in a “no wake zone“, this means they float at an idle speed leaving no wake behind the boat. The real fun begins when they get past the end of the pier, without exception every boat goes full throttle. It’s as though the real ride doesn’t even begin until they are at full throttle.
Our lives are no different than the boats in the channel, if we are living moderate lives it’s as though we are in the “no wake zone“. I don’t know about you, but I want my life to be leaving a wake, a positive wake. I want to make a positive difference in this world and it will never happen being moderate. Being moderate is boring, being moderate is in effective, being moderate is dangerous, and being moderate leaves no wake…FULL EFFORT IS FUN, and FULL EFFORT changes everything.
I was listening to an Andy Andrews Podcast recently where Andy was interviewing Christian comedian Ken Davis. Ken made an awesome statement about how he wants to finish his life here on earth. He said “I want to cross the finish line with my chest pushed out as far as possible“…out of breath…FULL EFFORT!!! I agree with Ken Davis, I don’t want to stroll across the finish line, I want to cross it wide open, completely “Spent”…as Zig Ziglar says, “physically exhausted, but emotionally exhilarated“
It’s time we get out of the channel, leave a WAKE, and have some FUN… Let’s go FULL THROTTLE being Intentional about our Legacy!!!
Not all “Moments Of Greatness” happen while the world is watching. Some of the Greatest Moments occur behind the scenes where no one is there to see, but these moments can have the Greatest impact of all.
In this video, I share how these behind the scenes “Moments Of Greatness” by the people who know me best have truly been the inspiration to keep me focused on what matters most.
This has been a major reason for my quest to help others Discover and Live Their Best Life, I want to be someone who can provide these behind the scenes “Moments Of Greatness” that will have a lasting impact on their life.
Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this, and Thanks for watching.
Welcome to the 2nd episode of “Moments Of Greatness”
I am deviating slightly from the initial format already with episode #2. My plan has been to capture “Moments of Greatness” throughout the week, and share them with you here. But I was reminded of this story yesterday, and I felt I really needed to share it, because it illustrates perfectly what this video series is all about.
I would be honored if you would watch it now, and leave your comments as well…Thanks in advance!!!
It is really quite empowering to realize the impact our attitude and great responses have on everyone around us, and all it really takes is choosing a“Moment Of Greatness”. Our single Moment Of Greatness can leave a lasting impression that can change someone’s world.
I hope you’re inspired to make Greater choices, and be Intentional about your Legacy.
Thanks for watching, and please leave us a comment
Brand New today. Today I am introducing a brand new video series entitled: “Moments Of Greatness”. My purpose is to encourage anyone who is struggling in their current situation, to choose a Great response in every given moment.
Most of us cannot really imagine ourselves as Great, but all of us can choose a Great response for a single moment. I sincerely believe that a Great life consists of Great responses, Moment By Moment.
So please watch this first intro video, and give me your feedback…I promise the quality will get better.
I will be releasing new “Moments Of Greatness Videos”on Tuesdays and Fridays, if you capture a Moment Of Greatness on Video, contact me, and we’ll try to use it here to encourage someones else.
This is just one more way we can be “Intentional about our Legacy”
“Randell Mark” Olson
Are You Worn Out, Frustrated, Confused…Ready To Change Your Story?
Your Life is meant to impact other people's lives, and it is whether you know it or not, so why not impact them in the most positive way possible. By Living the Story you were designed to LIve! Start Living your best Story in your Career, Your Marriage, Your Spiritual Walk, Your Finances, and your Fitness...It's Time To Change Your Story. Are You Ready?
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Be watching for a new resource I'm working on with my good friend and fellow coach Rob Clinton. We'll unveil a three phase process to move from mediocrity to Greatness.