Randell is a Life Long Entrepreneur with an All Out PASSION to see people discover their Purpose and Mission in life, and help them become successful in Living It Out.
Randell’s Comfortable, and Likeable style will leave each person feeling like they’ve just had a personal, one on one discussion with him, and his enthusiasm is completely contagious.
Randell delivers a Life Changing Message, packed with Energy, Passion, Powerful Stories, and Humor that is incredibly entertaining, and profoundly impactful …you will NOT leave this event as the same person, you will be Entertained, Informed, Inspired, and Motivated to Change Your World!
Randell Mark’s Presentations Include:
The Reaction To Positive Actions:
This powerful presentation will have a positive influence on the way you interact with every single person in your life.
The principles shared in this 30 to 35 minute presentation have the power to transform any relationship, whether it’s Professional, Personal, Family, or even Marriage.
You will be prepared and inspired to put these principles to immediate use, and begin Changing Your World, one person at a time.
This Knockout Presentation will cause you to be more Intentional about the Legacy you leave in your Work, Marriage, Family and Community.
This single presentation will have immediate and lasting impact on the relationships that matter most in your life. Experience positive change when you discover the power of “The Reaction To Positive Actions”
Todays Date, Plus One Year:
If you were to get out next years calender, and circle todays date…what would be different about your life? Think about that for a moment. What will be different about your life exactly one year from today?
In each of our lives, we have “What was”, “What is”, and “What is to come”, or our Past, our Present, and our Future. We do not have any control over what has happened in the past, but the things we do today, will have a huge impact on how our lives look one year from right now.
In this fantastic presentation, Randell uses personal real life examples to show you how to leverage your past, to propel you towards the future you desire, a future that could look entirely different than today.
In Randell’s own words…“This presentation inspires me to keep reaching, I am personally challenged to dig deeper into myself, and take action on the things that matter most, to insure that Todays Date, One Year from now finds me closer to accomplishing my most treasured goals”
If your organization is struggling with forward progress, this 45 minutes of high impact, energetic, humorous, and highly effective result changing presentation is for you! After this inspirational presentation, your entire team will be ready, and pumped about putting a circle around Todays Date, Plus One Year!
CLICK HERE To Contact Randell To Speak At Your Event