What’s Changed In The Last 12 Months?
Let me tell you about my last 12 months…I’ll try not to bore you, but this has been an absolute “Turn-Around Year” for me!
12 Months ago I was a frustrated entrepreneur, who was struggling in business, I had lost my passion, and I felt like I was beginning to destroy my Legacy. I was walking around on edge most of the time, and little things that used to just roll like water off a duck’s back, would cause me to react rather harshly.
Don’t get me wrong, I was not pacing around in a fit of rage all of the time, just rather testy, and quick to blame people and circumstances for my current situation. Quite honestly I had a “Stinky attitude”…Zig Ziglar would call it “Stinken Thinken”
Today I still have that business that is struggling…But I also have a brand new business and a brand new Attitude, with a Passion and Desire to help other Entrepreneurs who are struggling the way I was. Today through my coaching, and speaking I share a message of hope and inspiration that there is a brighter tomorrow, regardless of how things look today. Today I wake up with a feeling of purpose, knowing my creator has a plan for me, and it’s my responsibility to discover and live it out. I literally have a brand new life…you might say that I’m beginning to “Live My Best Life” and finally being “Intentional about my Legacy”.
So What Really Happened?
As I look back, I can identify 3 distinct reasons for my Turn Around Year”.
- I Drew A Line: I said this is it, something has to change, and I made a “Decision” to change my course. I recognized that I was not living the life I was created to live, I decided it was time to start living a life of real purpose.
- I Invested In Myself: I went through coaching programs, and seminars. I invested in training courses, as well as joining a ToastMasters group. I connected with people who had already achieved great levels of success in helping others reach their potential.
- I Took Action: I actually did something. I stopped just thinking about it, and did it. I launched a brand new company “The Intentional Legacy Group, LLC. I have volunteered to speak this new message of hope. I have offered assistance to other small business owners who are struggling with the same issues I was. I am being Intentional about my Legacy. When it’s all said and done, taking action is what ultimately has impact, and will change the lives of the people you serve.
What A Difference 12 Months Can Make…
Try it for yourself…Draw a line in the sand, and make a decision, choose to change your life, and your world. Invest in yourself, so you are prepared to help others. Then take Action. Step out of your comfort zone, and reach out to serve humanity.
I’ll be the first to tell you that my life is far from perfect, but it is a “Life Of Purpose”. I am on a path towards “Living My Best Life”, and being Intentional about my Legacy… I can’t wait to see what tomorrow has is store!