How Would You Respond?
Randell Mark Olson |
September 13, 2012 |
10:25 am | Attitude, Calling, Inspiration, Legacy, Personal Development
Tags: Attitude, Best Life, Inspiration, Personal Development
Tags: Attitude, Best Life, Inspiration, Personal Development
Our Response Determines our Future:
In Wednesdays Blog Post I referenced Kent Julian’s Success formula E+R=O…What I didn’t know at the time was that on the very same day, Kent had posted a powerful video on YouTube of a portion of his keynote presentation where he illustrates this life changing discipline.
I asked Kent if I could share that video with you here…Thanks Kent, What an Incredible message for us all.
If you enjoyed Kent’s presentation, be sure to “Like” it in the upper right hand corner once you hit play.
Wow…thanks for sharing, Randell. This post means a lot to me.
I always have a hard time getting through that part of my keynote presentation without shedding a few tears…manly because I’m so proud of Kelsey!
I’m honored to share it here…nobody could watch that without feeling the Love you have for Kelsey.
Thanks again for allowing me to share it!!!
Randell Mark recently posted..How Would You Respond?