Have you ever thought of time as currency? In many ways that is exactly what it is, especially if you are paid by how much time you spend working. If you are trading your time for money then in a very real sense time is currency. The reality is that you are actually purchasing dollars with your time. The problem with this arrangement is that you only have just so much time, obviously when you run out of time your opportunity to purchase more money then vanishes as well.
Following this logic, is wealth measured in time then or measured in dollars… I would suggest neither is an appropriate measurement of wealth. Wealth can be best measured by the value your time creates for you or someone else. For example: If I am hired to give a speech for $1100, and I invest 10 hours researching and writing my speech, and one hour actually delivering my speech, you could say I just earned $100 per hour. However the wealth does not stop there, assuming the content of my speech added value to those listening, the potential wealth continues on with each person in attendance. To take this one step further, if I take that same speech and put it on a CD and offer it for sale, the potential income for me and the potential added value for anyone who purchased the CD for all practical purposes is infinite.
At the beginning of each year, at the beginning of each month, at the beginning of each week, and at the beginning of each day, we all start with the same amount of time. Each of us has a choice whether to spend our time purchasing dollars, or invest our time creating value for ourselves and others.
By investing our time in Personal Development and People Development we can change our world and be more Intentional about our Legacy.
~Randell Mark Olson
Well, it’s about that time! We’re now approaching the first Speak-it-Forward boot camp of 2012! I cannot express enough the value of this boot camp, so I’m offering an exclusive gift for you to help you understand what this means to me, and how you can really maximize on this opportunity…
This is a special exclusive offer for THE FIRST 6 REGISTRANTS!
My good friend Rob Clinton and I have been to the Speak It Forward Boot Camp and LOVED it! It’s not only good to learn about speaking, it’s an amazing entrepreneur course on how to launch and market your business. That’s why we’re going again and want to encourage you to join us.
So, here’s what we’re doing to make the event extra special for you. Rob and I are going to meet with whoever signs up with us (limited to 6 people) on Wednesday night May 16th, for a pre-conference mastermind group. Then, we’ll attend the boot camp together.And here’s one more thing…we’ve talked to our buddy Kent and he’s agreed to be at an exclusive dinner guest on, Thursday night with just our little group. How cool is that!
Register soon. We expect this thing to fill up pretty fast!”
This boot camp will provide you extraordinary results once you apply it! It will make you money, but yet it’s more than just about making money, it’s an inside out process to help you clarify your message, identify your audience, sharpen your presentation skills, and tell the world what they’re missing if they don’t book you to speak.
If you feel like you have a message to share, or if you have a desire to be a public speaker, make this investment in yourself, your future audience deserves to hear you speak about something you are passionate about. Put some BIG X’s on May 17-18, 2012, on your calendar, make plans to spend those days in beautiful Atlanta,GA.investing in YOU!
I just sent my registration in for an investment in myself that I know will produce extraordinary results. It’s Kent Julian’s Speak It Forward Boot Camp (affiliate link) for all those aspiring to make a profit from speaking. This boot camp is about more than just making money, it’s an inside out process to help you clarify your message, identify your audience, sharpen your presentation skills, and tell the world what they’re missing if they don’t book you to speak.
The reason I can recommend this so confidently, is because I have personally attend this fantastic event the last two years, and I will be attending again this year. The first year I attended I had never spoken publicly, other than teaching a class at church…all I knew was that I had a message to share, and a desire to speak professionally.
Since attending Kent’s Boot Camp the first time, I have been able to really hone in on a message that I am truly passionate about , identify my best audience, and have been following a step by step process to market myself and my message to the people that need to hear it most. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to get booked to speak, just by following Kent’s proven steps to begin speaking for profit.
If you feel like you have a message to share, and you have a desire to be a public speaker, make this investment in yourself, your future audience deserves to hear you speak about something you are passionate about. Put some BIG X’s on October 13, 14, 15 2011, on your calender, make plans to spend those days in beautiful Atlanta, GA. investing in your life, to bring the message God put in your heart to a world that’s waiting to hear it.
I Can’t Wait To See You There!!!
It’s just one more way we can be more Intentional about our Legacy.
Blessings, Randell Mark