Are You At The End Of Your Rope?
If you are at the end of your rope in your work or your business, a longer rope may help for a while but it is definitely not the answer. A longer rope, such as a promotion, a few days off, a special project, or a raise in pay, may rejuvenate you for a while, but ultimately a longer rope would just serve as a diversion, and soon you will find yourself at the end of it once again.
My Finger Prints Are Embedded At The End Of The Rope!
I have dangled at the end of many ropes myself. I have stretched ropes by creating new ideas, going after new emerging markets, and chasing the next big thing, only to find myself in that familiar place once again, at the end of the rope. Stretching the rope buys you a little more time, but each time you stretch the rope it gets a little thinner and harder to hold onto, eventually something is going to give.
I was climbing the wrong rope!
When I finally found the right rope it made all the difference for me. Don’t get me wrong the climb is still hard, it still takes determination, persistence, personal development, and an investment of time, but it is worth it all because of “one thing”…Vision!
What’s at the other end of the rope?
You see, there must be a worthy goal at the other end of the rope, something that means more to you than almost anything else, it’s the one thing that you must see come to realization in your life. It is a goal that you can put your whole heart behind, it is what you go to bed thinking about and what you wake up thinking about, it’s the smile on your face and at the same time it’s a concerned look in your eye. It is in fact your Vision, and until you identify it, you will find yourself at the end of the rope over and over again.
Vision is fuel for successful living!
The Bible says” without vision the people perish” Proverbs 29:18.
Use these three simple exercises to gain clarity on your Vision.
- Identify Your Values…What do you care about?, What do you believe in wholeheartedly ?, What moves you to action?
- What desires has God placed in your heart? …What accomplishments of others cause you to celebrate? Make a list of things that make you smile. Who do you admire for their impact on history?
- Think about the perfect day… What would your perfect day look like? Where would you be? Who would be with you? What would you be celebrating? What would you be most grateful for?
Pondering these thoughts will go a long way towards helping you identify the Vision you have for your Career, Business, and Life. Defining and drawing your Vision is one of the first steps of being Intentional about your Legacy!!!
Randell Mark