Tags: Best Life, Calling, Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship, IPO 2 Greatness, Smarter Business
You Can’t Outrun It Anyhow!
Have you ever watched a cartoon chase? You know the ones I’m talking about, where one character is chasing the other, and the first one goes around a corner and quickly slips, unnoticed into a doorway while the chaser dashes past and keeps running down the hall. You can almost sense the first ones relief while he sits there trying to catch his breath, and planning his next move.
As a small business owner, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to just run away from my business, or at least hide from it long enough to plan my next move. I would think to myself…if I could just get far enough ahead to Think, to Breath, to Rest, and figure out what to do next.
The business I thought was my Dream, was now more like a Prison. It wasn’t like being between a rock and a hard place, at least there you know where you’re at. This was worse, because it was like being nowhere at all. Sounds kind of strange, but the fact is that I didn’t know where I was going, and really didn’t know how I even ended up where I was.
If You’re Still Reading This, You’ve Been There Too
The problem is, if we don’t address it, we’ll sabotage our business, and likely ourselves as well. I fought this battle on and off for years, only to realize that the business itself wasn’t really the problem, it had more to do with me. I had to face the fact that I needed to take a good hard look inside of myself, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done.
The Path To Getting Your Life Back
The first step towards living completely alive is getting to know yourself. You have to ask yourself why you went into this business in the first place. Was it just to make an income, or did you have a dream that was bigger than just money.
If you had a dream that was bigger than money, chances are you can recapture that vision, re-ignite that passion, and begin to experience real joy in your business again.
However, if money was the driving force for your business start up, it is also probably what is driving your frustration. You see to stay the course through thick and thin it takes a stronger passion than money. You may discover that you have no passion for your business at all, and it’s time to make a change, remember it starts by looking inward to clarify your strongest passions, and deepest desires.
If you can start your business from there, you will change your world and leave a Legacy of Greatness!
I certainly can relate to everything you said! I work a part time job that lately is more like a full time job and while I have taken on several clients as well (yay!) I definitely feel like I need to go hide somewhere to have a breather and just think!
For me at this time it’s more just this extra work heaped on my plate which thankfully should be a temporary situation. I find every time I can sit down and communicate with a client or work on my business – I become so excited – so I know where my passion lies.
Thanks for making me think that through – I feel calmer already!~
Thanks Ann,
Isn’t it incredible how much more focused and energized we are when we are working in our strengths, and pursuing our true calling.
Thanks for sharing!
Randell Mark recently posted..Wanna Run From Your Business?…Sorry It Won’t Work!