Tags: 180 Coach, 48 Days, Attitude, Calling, Change, Entrepreneur, Greatness, IPO 2 Greatness
My good friend Rob Clinton and I have been working together for several months now on a particular project called IPO 2 Greatness. We are extremely excited about it! IPO 2 Greatness will begin with a podcast this year prior to releasing the actual book. In the meantime, you will be entertained with its rich content over the air and the interviews from other people who have achieved a level of fulfillment through greatness in their lives. Joining the podcast, you will have the opportunity to download our actual first inspirational book release which comes out this summer entitled, “Stop Working and Start Creating”.
Basically, we’ve discovered a way to make your journey through this life much simpler. Life is still challenging, but we’ve learned how to leverage that, to use those challenges to our benefit. We’ve discovered that anyone can lead a successful life starting right from where they are right now, but it’s going to take that shift in perception using a very strategic method for uncovering your greatness.
Anyone can achieve greatness! I don’t care who you, or where you’ve come from. The opportunity to make your life sing is now, and we’re going to help you get there. Better yet, once you understand something that we want to teach you, you will be so fired up with a joy that surpasses all understanding to start going after life like you deserve it!
This is exciting stuff Randell! And again, as always, I’m honored to share this journey with you. To Greatness…
Rob Clinton recently posted..IPO 2 Greatness
That sounds so awesome – I am looking forward to hearing more about it and hearing the podcasts! What a great combination you two are!