I met a friend of a friend yesterday, his name is Kevin. Of course I shook his hand, and said what we all say…Hi Kevin, “It’s Nice To Meet You”
The fact of the matter is, that at that moment I really wasn’t sure yet if my meeting him was going to be a good experience or not, but within about 15 seconds, I knew it was going to be more than just nice to meet Kevin…It was going to be a great experience.
Kevin is one of those guys that truly cares about other people. He doesn’t tell you he cares, you can see and feel he cares. He’s the type of guy that you want to know more about, but he is so busy learning who you are, that he isn’t talking about himself.
I left our short meeting, anxious to meet Kevin again soon, so I could learn more about him, and why he is the way he is.
This encounter has me wondering if “I’m Nice To Meet”? Do people want to learn more about me? Would someone want to be more like me?
I don’t want to be selfish, but I want people be interested in who I am, be cause they see that I am truly interested in them. Zig Ziglar says “you can have anything in life you want, if you help enough other people get what they want”.
That’s not a selfish statement, because the focus is on helping, and serving others. I believe if we practice putting other peoples interests before our own, meeting us won’t just be Nice, it will be Unforgettable .
Randell Mark
I’m very happy you took the time and said that post =D