There’s Really Only Two Responses To Your Past:
#1. Allow your past drag you down, or
#2. Let your past motivate you to press on to a brighter future
Your History Can Either Control You, Or It Can Empower You!
In his book The Travelers Gift, Andy Andrews says…”Do not let your History control your Destiny”
Is your past holding you hostage like your standing in Quicksand? Are you wearing your bad decisions like a pair if hipboots full of mud?
It’s Time To STOP!
You cannot move forward while looking backward with regret, shame, or embarrassment…the past is the past. The past doesn’t even exist. All we can control is now, and where we go from here. It’s time to stop waisting prescious energy beating ourselves up over past mistakes, failures, and poor judgement, even though the consequences of the past may still be present.
My friend Kent Julian has a formula that he shares in his presentations all across the country. Kents says: E+R=O. The E stands for Events in our lives, the R stands for our Response to those events, and O stands for Outcome. In others words, our Response to the Events in our lives, determines our Outcome. It’s a simple formula, but if applied intentionally in our lives daily, our future will be one that has massive impact, and a positive influence on our world…the coolest part is, that it’s OUR choice!
I’ve been in Quicksand:
If you’ve spent any time at all reading this blog, then you know that I’ve been hung up in the quicksand of past defeats and failures. For far too long I allowed a few bad decisions hold me captive. I would question my own qualifications to help struggling entrepreneurs because of my own mistakes in business, and life. The real fact of the matter is, that those mistakes have actually been an education for me to help other frustrated entrepreneurs get “their lives back” too. The rugged terrain I’ve traveled as an entrepreneur makes me a better guide to those traveling a similar path.
One Last Thing About The Past:
Each of us must take complete responsibility for our past, we must own our past, but we do not need to wear our past like a scarlet letter into our future. Don’t let your past control your destiny. Your destiny is your destiny regardless of your past.
So…Quicksand Or Trampoline?
Back to the original question…Is your past going to suck you down like quicksand, or spring you onward like a trampoline into a bright and purposeful future. Your Response to the Events in your past determine the future Outcome of your life, and the impact you’ll have on this world.
Being Intentional about your Response is a great step toward being Intentional about your Legacy!