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Category: Calling
Wanna Run From Your Business?…Sorry It Won’t Work!

You Can’t Outrun It Anyhow!

Have you ever watched a cartoon chase? You know the ones I’m talking about, where one character is chasing the other, and the first one goes around a corner and quickly slips, unnoticed  into a doorway while the chaser dashes past and keeps running down the hall.  You can almost sense the first ones relief while he sits there trying to catch his breath, and planning his next move.

As a small business owner, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to just run away from my business, or at least hide from it long enough to plan my next move.  I would think to myself…if I could just get far enough ahead to Think, to Breath, to Rest, and figure out what to do next.

The business I thought was my Dream, was now more like a Prison. It wasn’t like being between a rock and a hard place, at least there you know where you’re at.  This was worse, because it was like being nowhere at all.  Sounds kind of strange, but the fact is that I didn’t know where I was going, and really didn’t know how I even ended up where I was.

If You’re Still Reading This, You’ve Been There Too

The problem is,  if we don’t address it, we’ll sabotage our business, and likely ourselves as well. I fought this battle on and off for years, only to realize that the business itself wasn’t really the problem, it had more to do with me.  I had to face the fact that I needed to take a good hard look inside of myself, and it was the best thing I’ve ever done.

The Path To Getting Your Life Back

The first step towards living completely alive is getting to know yourself.  You have to ask yourself why you went into this business in the first place.  Was it just to make an income, or did you have a dream that was bigger than just money.

If you had a dream that was bigger than money, chances are you can recapture that vision,  re-ignite that passion, and begin to experience real joy in your business again.

However, if money was the driving force for  your business start up, it is also probably what is driving your frustration.  You see to stay the course through thick and thin it takes a stronger passion than money. You may discover that you have no passion for your business at all, and it’s time to make a change, remember it starts by looking inward to clarify your strongest passions, and deepest desires.

If you can start your business from there, you will change your world and leave a Legacy of Greatness!

Randell Mark Olson | June 21, 2011 | 9:00 am | Action, Attitude, Calling, Change, Entrepreneurship, I.P.O 2 Greatness | 2 Comments

My good friend Rob Clinton and I have been working together for several months now on a particular project called IPO 2 Greatness. We are extremely excited about it! IPO 2 Greatness will begin with a podcast this year prior to releasing the actual book. In the meantime, you will be entertained with its rich content over the air and the interviews from other people who have achieved a level of fulfillment through greatness in their lives. Joining the podcast, you will have the opportunity to download our actual first inspirational book release which comes out this summer entitled, “Stop Working and Start Creating”.

Basically, we’ve discovered a way to make your journey through this life much simpler. Life is still challenging, but we’ve learned how to leverage that, to use those challenges to our benefit. We’ve discovered that anyone can lead a successful life starting right from where they are right now, but it’s going to take that shift in perception using a very strategic method for uncovering your greatness.

Anyone can achieve greatness! I don’t care who you, or where you’ve come from. The opportunity to make your life sing is now, and we’re going to help you get there. Better yet, once you understand something that we want to teach you, you will be so fired up with a joy that surpasses all understanding to start going after life like you deserve it!

Lessons From the Private “I”

Have you ever had the opportunity to watch yourself, when you didn’t know you were looking? That’s sounds kind of creepy I know…let me try to explain what I mean.

Last weekend, my wife Karen and I were at a graduation open house, where someone was walking around with a video camera catching some live footage of this special day. The interesting thing is, that I was completely unaware of this video camera until I was shown a copy of it later.

As I watched myself on video, I found it strange to know that at the time I had no idea that I was being watched. It was a rare opportunity to see myself as the world sees me.

The first thing I noticed was that I am shorter and wider than I thought…my hair is grayer than I thought as well. But what really got my attention was how my approach and response to various people was so vastly different.

Some people I would approach rather aggressively with a big hug, a slap on the back, and lots of laughter, while others I would address slowly with a gentle embrace, and a tender word, or a handshake with a smile.

Why The Difference?

I felt like a private investigator as I watched myself interact with family, friends, and acquaintances. I couldn’t help but notice that I seemed to know how to approach each person in a way that would be most acceptable to them.

Could There Be A Business Lesson Here?

I think so. The reason I was able to give the proper greeting and response to so many people at this open house, was because I understood how most of them want to interact…you might say “I know how they’re wired”, and their response can be quite predictable.

In business our customers and clients are all wired differently as well, and if we take the time to understand them better the results can be staggering. Just think how much better you can serve your customer  if you have a clearer sense of their unique perspective and what they would see as the perfect outcome.

We’ve all heard it said that “People do Business with people they Know, Like, and Trust” and there is no better way to earn that than to show them that you care, by getting to know them better.  It’s all part of being more Intentional about our Legacy.

Moments Of Greatness #2
Randell Mark Olson | March 24, 2011 | 8:32 pm | Action, Attitude, Calling, I.P.O 2 Greatness, Legacy, Moments Of Greatness | No comments

Welcome to the 2nd  episode of “Moments Of Greatness”

I am deviating slightly from the initial format already with episode #2.  My plan has been to capture “Moments of Greatness” throughout the week, and share them with you here.  But I was reminded of this story yesterday, and I felt I really needed to share it, because it illustrates perfectly what this video series is all about.

I would be honored if you would watch it now, and leave your comments as well…Thanks in advance!!!

It is really quite empowering to realize the impact our attitude and great responses have on everyone around us, and all it really takes is choosing a “Moment Of Greatness”. Our single Moment Of Greatness can leave a lasting impression that can change someone’s world.

I hope you’re inspired to make Greater choices, and be Intentional about your Legacy.

Thanks for watching, and please leave us a comment

“Randell Mark” Olson

Moments Of Greatness #1
Randell Mark Olson | March 21, 2011 | 8:02 pm | Attitude, Calling, I.P.O 2 Greatness, Legacy, Moments Of Greatness | No comments

Moments Of Greatness Captured On Video

Brand New today.  Today I am introducing a brand new video series entitled: “Moments Of Greatness”. My purpose is to encourage anyone who is struggling in their current situation, to choose a Great response in every given moment.

Most of us cannot really imagine ourselves as Great, but all of us can choose a Great response for a single moment.  I sincerely believe that a Great life consists of Great responses, Moment By Moment.

So please watch this first intro video, and give me your feedback…I promise the quality will get better.

I will be releasing new “Moments Of Greatness Videos” on Tuesdays and Fridays, if you capture a Moment Of Greatness on Video, contact me, and we’ll try to use it here to encourage someones else.

This is just one more way we can be “Intentional about our Legacy”

“Randell Mark” Olson

Guess what happened yesterday?
Randell Mark Olson | February 15, 2011 | 8:39 am | Calling, Inspiration, Legacy | No comments

Or was that the day before yesterday…

Does it seem that everyday is the same?  Is your main goal everyday, just to endure it, and make it to the end of the day and into bed safely?

What happens from the time you get up in the morning, until you go to bed at night?  Are you doing things intentionally that will have lasting impact, or are you just trying to survive the day?

Snap out of it…and LIVE!!!

Try these 3 techniques to change your life:

  1. Identify your Values: Spend some time alone, and think about the things you care about most,  (God, family, friends, community, life, freedom, the homeless, money…etc.) and list them out on paper.
  2. Have Impact: Pick at least two of the items on your list, and seek to have a positive impact on them everyday.  Pick one or two things you can do everyday to bless that person, or add value to that cause.
  3. Share It: Share with others what you’re doing,  ask them the same questions, and challenge them to do the same.

These 3 simple actions can have an incredible impact on our lives, as well as the things we value most.

When we Identify our values, take steps daily to enhance them, and ask others to do the same, we add purpose to our daily routine, and positively impact our world.

Let’s stop letting the hours pass by in mediocrity,   let’s start being Intentional about our Legacy so each day will truly be a refection of who we really are.

God Can Even Use A Fraud
Randell Mark Olson | February 6, 2011 | 12:09 pm | Authenticity, Calling, Integrity, Motivation, Uniqueness | No comments

Have you ever felt like a Fraud?

I know that sounds like a strange question, but hear me out, and see if you can relate at all.

I sometimes find myself in a situation, where my Passions, and Desires are stronger that my Credentials. For example;  I may have a strong desire to help a person through a difficult business situation, when I’m “elbow deep” in a similar situation myself, and I haven’t even figured it out yet.  If I offer suggestions, counsel, and advice…am I a Fraud? If I offer to speak to a group of people about discovering their Vocational Calling, and making a Career Transition, while still in transition myself…am I a Fraud?

The reason I’m asking these questions is, because sometimes that’s the way I truly feel.  You might say I’m in a battle between doing the work that currently pays the bills, and striving to be in the work I believe God created me for.  Let me try to explain my situation.

I currently own and operate a Garage Door business as my primary source of income, but I truly believe God has called me, and is preparing me for Career Coaching, and Professional Speaking.  So by day I sell, install, and service garage doors and openers, and by night I speak and help people with career choices and transitions. Who am I? A garage door guy who helps people in career transition, or a Speaker and Career Coach who happens to also sell garage doors.

Ultimately I think it’s my responsibility to be authentically me, in every role of my life.  If God has called me to speak and coach, then I am to pursue excellence in that role, and know that He will  be using me for His purposes.  I discussed this with my good friend and coach Rob Clinton, who made a great suggestion, he said Randell “just be Great at what you do by day, and be Great at what you do by night”. As long as I’m serving with greatness It’s impossible to be a Fraud, even if I sometimes feel that way.

How about you…do you ever feel like a Fraud?  If so, consider this;  The passions and desires you have were placed in your heart by your Creator, and if you are seeking to change your world by fulfilling God’s plan, then you’re not  Fraud…even if you don’t have all the credentials yet.

Striving for Greatness everyday, regardless of our current situation, is all part of being Intentional about our Legacy.

“Randell Mark”  Olson

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It’s Your Turn!!!
Randell Mark Olson | January 3, 2011 | 8:13 am | Calling, Inspiration, Motivation | 2 Comments

I know you’ve been their too.  Sitting at an “All Way Stop Sign”, there’s cars at each corner, and nobody is moving.  We all wait.  What are we waiting for?  Are we afraid?  Are we shy?  Are we confused?  Are we waiting for someone to wave us through?  Or are we worried that it’s not really our turn?

Guess What?   It’s Your Turn !!!

If you don’t start moving, you’ll never get to where you’re supposed to be going.  The tasks before you won’t get done, and the people depending on you won’t be served.

I have a general rule of thumb I use at “All Way Stop Signs”…While looking each person in the eye, I count to three…if no one moves, I move.  While everyone else is still sitting still, I get moving on to my destination, and proceed towards reaching my goals.

There is no doubt “Stops Signs” are there to help keep us safe, but they are not there paralyze us, and stop us from doing what we’re called to do.

If you know where God wants you to go, and what He wants you to do, but find yourself waiting at an “All Way Stop Sign” , I’m waving you through, because…

Guess what?   It’s Your Turn !!!

Go For It …The world is waiting for you to Be Intentional About Your Legacy, It won’t happen while your sitting still.

“Randell Mark” Olson

It’s The Little Things That Create The Greatest Changes
Randell Mark Olson | December 29, 2010 | 5:18 am | Attitude, Calling | 23 Comments

So often I find myself thinking about the next big event that is going to help me achieve my Goals.  There is no doubt that conferences, seminars, workshops, and training programs can have significant impact on our progress towards reaching our Goals, but I think often times it’s the little things we can do everyday that ultimately keep us moving steadily in the right direction.

For instance my morning coffee helps keep me motivated…actually it’s not so much the morning coffee, as it is the Coffee Cup I use.

A few months ago my Friend, Coach, and Speaking Mentor, Kent Julian gave me a coffee cup with his Logo on it.  I use that Coffee Cup every morning.  That Coffee Cup is a constant reminder of the things I’ve learned from Kent, and it Inspires me to keep pressing on.

I would encourage you to consistently do something that helps bring your Goals to mind everyday.  It may be a podcast, a book of inspiring quotes, a genre of music, or it may be as simple as a Cup of Coffee, but whatever it is, do it everyday, and you’ll experience the Greatest Changes in your Life, and be more Intentional about your Legacy.

Randell Mark

Calling or Command?
Randell Mark Olson | November 4, 2010 | 10:02 am | Calling, Inspiration, Uniqueness | 1 Comment

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what the consequences might be if I do not live the life I was created to live.  Who would do what I am supposed to do?  What if no one filled in for me, and my assignment was left undone.

Can you imagine what would happen if the trees stopped doing their job, no more oxygen, no more shade, if they didn’t do their job, would they flourish, or would they whither? Could they reflect all the glory, and beauty they were created for?

Everything in creation has a very significant purpose, and our very lives depend on it.  Every plant, every animal, every drop of water, every star, and every sea creature impacts our life in some positive way, nothing is here “just because”.

I believe the same is true for each one of us.  Each of us were created for significance, and as Zig Ziglar says, “endowed with the seeds of greatness”, yet seeds still need to be nurtured to produce the life giving fruit.  Our seeds are talents, abilities, tendencies, and desires that we need to develop, and hone for maximum potential, and positive impact on each other.  If I don’t discover and pursue my calling, then you are being short changed by me, and you also owe it to me to live the life you were created to live.

I wonder if I would take my calling more seriously if I considered it my assignment, or even a command from my creator. In the book of Exodus, Moses says that God gave certain men wisdom, skills, abilities, and understanding to do all manner of workmanship, and then he says…Exodus35:30 “the Lord has called them by name”…and they Exodus 36:1 “shall do according to all that the Lord has commanded”.  God first gave them the ability, and then he commanded them to carry out the assignment he had for them.

I know what my assignment is…I think it’s time for me to get busy. I’m not here “just because”

Randell Mark